After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get a 1-year support in total.
After the 6-month period is over you can buy extended support. You can buy extended support in the beginning, too. I that case you get a 1-year support in total.
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Phone: +351 937 525 443
We inform you that the website (the “Website”) is a website operated by YOUSHOW CREATIONS SL (hereinafter, “Youshow” or “we”) provided with CIF B-86987252, registered at the Registro Mercantil de Madrid in Volume 32.380, folio 181, section 8, page M-581006, and with registered office at Calle Bustamante 4, CP: 28045. If you would like additional information about Youshow, see the CONTACT section of the Website or send an email to: The term “You” refers to you as a user of our Website. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) is intended to inform you about how we collect, define and use Your Data and Image Rights (according to the definitions set out below). This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use and the Cookies Policy, set out separately, make up the “Terms and Conditions” of our Website. The access and use of the Website implies your full acceptance of the Website’s Terms and Conditions. In this regard, by accessing and using the Website, you agree to comply with the stipulations included in the aforementioned legal documents. The provision of the Website service has a limited duration when you are connected to it or to any of the services that are provided through it. Therefore, you should carefully read this Privacy Policy on each of the occasions on which you intend to use the Website, as it may be modified. All your personal data will be kept and used in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (the “Law”) and its development regulations. YouShow is responsible for the file of the personal data collected.
Type of data collected
By visiting our Website you could provide us with personal data in different ways, for example: By completing the data collection form that may appear on our Website, or By sending us an email, in which case we will retain the content of your email messages, along with your address and our response. On the other hand, by accessing the Website we may also collect information about your computer, including, where appropriate, your IP address, operating system and browser type, for the purposes of system administration.
Use of the data provided
In accordance with the provisions of the Law, we inform you that the personal data collected when accessing the Website or by any other means will be incorporated into a personal data file for which Youshow is responsible.
The purpose of the processing of your data is (i) to manage your browsing through the Website and (ii) any other indicated in each data collection form. By clicking on the corresponding send / validation button, included in the respective data collection forms, you declare that the information and personal data provided are accurate and up-to-date.
Like other commercial content websites, our Website uses a technology called “cookies” and files of the web server to gather information about how to use our Website, if you want to obtain detailed information about how we use cookies, see our Cookies Policy.
By using our Website you authorize the collection and use by us of the data described in this Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy. If we make any changes to our privacy policies and procedures, we will post those changes on the Website to keep you informed about the type of information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it. We also inform you that you may revoke the consent given for the processing of your data, as long as it is legally appropriate, by sending the relevant notification to YouShow in accordance with the following.
Access to information
You may at any time exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data by sending a written notification, attaching a photocopy of a document proving your identity, to the following address: Calle Bustamante 4 , Bajo 4, 28045 Madrid or
We have implemented and maintain the highest levels of security required by the Law to protect your personal data against accidental losses and unauthorized access, uses or disclosures. However, the transmission of information through the Internet is not totally secure. Therefore, although we will use our best efforts to protect your data, we can not guarantee the security of the same during transit to our Website. All the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, we will use rigorous security procedures and functions to prevent any unauthorized access.
Third party sites
The application and the browser of our Website may include links to sites controlled by third parties. Remember that when using a link to access from our Website to another, our Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will cease to have effect. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of those other third-party sites. We decline any type of responsibility with respect to the privacy and data processing of other websites. The navigation and interaction in any other website, including those that are linked to ours, is subject to the rules and policies of said site. We recommend that you read the data and privacy treatment policies of the websites you visit through the existing link on our Website or in any other way. For more information, see our Terms of Use.
Image rights
All names, images and voice recordings that appear on the Website have been captured with the prior consent of the user and / or the persons appearing in the images and / or recordings. Likewise, the user and / or the persons appearing in the images and / or recordings have expressly authorized their name, image and voice to be used for any purpose (commercial, promotional and others) in any communication medium, for all over the world and for the maximum term of the rights, not giving rise to any type of economic consideration. In the event that you would like to download and publish in any medium or on social networks, the images or recordings in which other people appear, you shall be solely responsible for obtaining the express prior consent of such persons for this purpose. You will exonerate YouShow from any liability that may result from not obtaining by you the prior consent of the other persons indicated in this paragraph and / or from any unlawful use that you make of the names, images and / or recordings that appear on the Website.
We inform you that the website (the “Website”) is a website operated by YOUSHOW CREATIONS SL
(hereinafter, “Youshow” or “We”) provided with CIF B-86987252, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume
32.380, folio 181, section 8, page M-581006, and with the registered office at Calle Bustamante 4, CP: 28045. If you
wish to obtain additional information about Youshow, consult the CONTACT section of the Website or send an email to: The term “You” refers to you as a user of our Website.
We have established the terms on which we provide access to our Website. They include the terms and conditions that
Together these documents are called “Terms and Conditions”.
Use of this Website
The fact that you access and use the Website means that you accept the Terms and Conditions and that you agree to give
full compliance to them.
You should read all the Terms and Conditions before using the Website. You should also save or print a copy of these
Terms and Conditions to be able to consult them in the future. However, keep in mind that we can change them in a timely
manner, so we recommend that you read them each time you access the Website. The revised Terms and Conditions will be
available through the Website. It will be understood that you have accepted any changes to the Terms and Conditions
after having been informed of such changes on the initial page of the Website, you have continued to access or use it.
The use of automated systems or software to extract content or data from our Website for commercial purposes is not
If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you should not use the Website.
Access to Our Website
We update our Website regularly, so we can change its contents at any time without prior notification. We reserve the
right to remove, modify or suspend the service at any time without prior notice.
All the necessary procedures to access this Website are your responsibility, as it is to ensure that all the people who
access it through their Internet connection know these Terms and Conditions.
Please note that the use of our Website is conditioned on your computer or portable device complying with our minimum
standard technical specifications and compatibility notice. We advise you to consult these specifications to make sure
that your computer or portable device is compatible with our products and services; We will not assume responsibility
for any failure that occurs on the Website due to incompatibility (including, but not limited to, minimum storage and
memory requirements at all times).
You agree not to use the Website for fraudulent purposes and to not engage in any conduct that may damage the image,
interests and rights of YouShow or third parties. It is also obliged not to perform any action aimed at damaging,
invalidating or overloading the Website or to hinder in any way its normal use and operation.
We inform you that in case of breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy or the Cookies Policy, we reserve
the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to the Website, adopting to that effect the technical measures that
are necessary.
Reliability of the Published Information
The Materials published on our Website are not intended to constitute advice and should not be understood as such. We
therefore deny, in the broadest terms permitted by local legislation, any responsibility with respect to any action
based on such information.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
All industrial and intellectual property rights over all information, images, our logo, service marks, trade names,
trademarks and other content displayed on the Website (“Materials”) are the property of YouShow or have been licensed to
YouShow by its licensors, the use of the Website and Materials being subject to the following restrictions. Likewise,
for these purposes, all the images of physical persons and / or voice reproductions that appear on the Website and that
have been captured and reproduced with the prior express consent of such persons will be considered as Materials.
You may access, view and print a copy of this Website and all Materials in strict accordance with the Terms and
Conditions. In this sense, you can only view, print, use and quote the Website and the Materials for your own personal
and non-commercial use and provided that you mention us when appropriate.
The use of the Website for its part does not imply the transfer of any intellectual or industrial property rights over
it or over the Materials. In this sense, it is expressly forbidden that, except in those cases in which it is legally
permitted or mediated by the prior authorization of YouShow, the User:
Links to Our Website
You may establish links to any page of the Website, with the authorization of YouShow, for non-commercial purposes and
provided you do so in a reasonable and legal manner without damaging our reputation or taking advantage of it. For
clarification purposes, the site with a link to ours must not contain material that is not suitable for minors or
illegal or materials that are offensive, constituting harassment or that for other reasons are objectionable, without
making any false, inaccurate or false statement. incorrect on the Website or YouShow from the site that links to ours
(“Linked Site”).
You must not establish links to our Website in such a way as to suggest the existence of any form of association,
approval or recommendation on our part when it does not exist. You must refrain from removing or hiding by means of
framing or in any other way advertisements, copyright notices or other information published on the Website. Our Website
can not be framed anywhere else.
In the event that YouShow authorizes a link, it will be established in the following terms:
We reserve the right to withdraw the link permission at any time and without prior notice. In any case, in the event
that any of the preceding terms are breached, YouShow will proceed immediately and without prior notice to the
deactivation of the link.
Privacy, your personal data and Cookies
The privacy of your personal data is important to us. We may collect information about you through data collection forms
included in the Website. Please consult our Privacy Policy to learn how we will treat your personal data.
To find out how we use cookies, we refer you to our Cookies Policy.
Third Sites
Our Website or the Materials may contain links to third party websites. In those cases in which the Website hosts Third
Party Sites, YouShow will act as a provider of intermediation services, in accordance with article 17 of the Law of
Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (the “LSSI”). As foreseen by the LSSI, YouShow will not
assume responsibility with respect to the services and contents provided through Third Party Sites, unless it is
effectively illegitimate and has not deactivated the link with due diligence.
The existence of Third Party Sites does not imply in any case the recommendation, promotion, identification or
acceptance by YouShow of the declarations, contents or services provided through them. Therefore, YouShow will not
assume responsibility with respect to the contents of the Third Party Sites or their conditions of use or privacy
policies, only You are responsible for verifying and accepting them each time you access and use them.
If you choose to visit a Third Party Site, you will do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for the contents,
accuracy or opinions expressed on such sites. The links do not mean that we or our Website are affiliated or associated
with them.
The inclusion of a link on our Website or in our communications with you does not mean that we (or our parent companies,
subsidiaries or associated entities or their respective clients) recommend the linked site. If you decide to access
linked third-party websites, you do so at your own risk.
Remember that when you use a link from our Website to another site, these Terms and Conditions, including our Privacy
Policy and Cookies Policy, cease to be applicable, being the terms and conditions corresponding to such Third Party
Information on the Website
If it comes to your knowledge or that of another Internet user that any information or content of the Website or
facilitated through it is illegal, violates third-party rights, contravenes the Terms and Conditions or is in any other
way pernicious or contrary to ethics or As usual practice, you can contact YouShow at the following email address: or at the following postal address: Calle Bustamante 4, Bajo 4, 28045 Madrid.
The reception by YouShow of the aforementioned notification will not mean in any case, under the LSSI, that there is
effective knowledge of the activities or contents indicated by the notifier, when it is not obvious or obvious. In any
case, YouShow reserves the right to suspend or delete content that, while not being illegal, contravenes these Terms and
Conditions, taking into account in each case the legal rights in conflict.
Therefore, if you consider that the Third Party Sites have illegal, pernicious, degrading, violent or inappropriate
content, you can notify YouShow at the following email address: without such notification entails
in any case The obligation of YouShow to remove the link in question and without necessarily meaning that YouShow has
effective knowledge of the illegality of the contents of the Third Party Site for the purposes of current legislation.
Our responsibility
To the fullest extent legally permitted, we exclude and deny all warranties, terms, conditions and statements that may
be inferred from the law in relation to this Website. In particular, we do not declare or guarantee that the Website is
free of errors or viruses or other harmful elements or that the defects will be corrected. You must adopt your own
precautions in this regard.
We assume no responsibility for the lack of maintenance of the Website.
We will not assume responsibility under these Terms and Conditions in relation to any indirect, quantifiable,
incidental, consequential or any other type of damage, even when we have been warned of the possibility of their
The Materials may contain inaccurate information or typographical errors. We do not guarantee the accuracy or integrity
of the Materials.
We will not assume responsibility for any damages arising from your actions or omissions based on the Materials
available on this Website. However, nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions will affect your legal rights or
exclude our liability for: (i) death or personal injury that results from our negligence; (ii) fraudulent false
statements; and / or (iii) any other liability that the applicable legislation prevents from excluding or limiting.
Legal Compliance and Applicable Legislation
The access and use of the Website on your part also means full acceptance of this section (“Legal Compliance and
Applicable Law”), so you should read it carefully each time you access the Website.
These Terms and Conditions will be regulated by Spanish law, submitting any issue or conflict that brings cause thereof
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid (Spain).
You expressly and without reservation accept that access and use of the Website on your part will be done solely and
exclusively under your own responsibility and that you are responsible for compliance with all local laws of application
to the use of the Website or in other related way with the same. In this regard, you agree not to use the Website for
fraudulent purposes and not to harm the image, interests or rights of YouShow or third parties with your conduct. It
also undertakes not to perform any act that has the purpose of damaging, damaging or overloading the Website or that may
prevent its normal use and operation in any way. To the extent that the Website or any activity contemplated by it
violates the law of a jurisdiction other than the Spanish one, you are prohibited in such case from accessing or using
the Website or attempting to carry out such activity, prevailing the present provision on any other of these Terms and
In this regard, you are informed that if you breach the Terms and Conditions or any other particular terms and
conditions contained in the Website, YouShow reserves the right to limit, suspend or cancel your access to the Website,
adopting the technical measures require for that purpose. YouShow also reserves the right to adopt such measures if it
reasonably suspects that it violates any of the terms and conditions of the aforementioned instruments.
In the event that any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions is declared void, it will be eliminated or replaced.
In any case, the declaration of nullity or will not affect the rest of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
Contact Us
If you have any concerns or doubts regarding the materials that appear on our Website or about the use of this Website
or these Terms and Conditions, send us an email to
If you wish to suggest any improvement or additional content of the Website, send us an email to
Our postal address is Calle Bustamante 4, Bajo 4, 28045 Madrid.
Access to information
ou can exercise at any time your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data by sending a written notification, attaching a photocopy of a document proving your identity, to any of the following addresses:
Calle Bustamante 4,
Bajo 4, 28045 Madrid
Cancellation of Videos
If you appear on a Video recorded by YouShow but you want that Video to be deleted or canceled.
Please write us a written notice attaching:
Photocopy of a document that proves your identity.
Code Number that corresponds to the Video you want to Cancel.
To any of the following addresses:
Calle Bustamante 4,
Bajo 4, 28045 Madrid
© 2024 YOUSHOW CREATIONS SL. All Rights Reserved.
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